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  • Vapour compression refrigeration for space applications

    An IJR review paper presents the history of vapour-compression refrigeration systems used in microgravity environments and sets the next steps of research needed to achieve reliable...

    • Publication date : 2021/01/27
  • Cool like a butterfly wing

    New study demonstrates that butterfly wings contain a network of living cells with specific thermodynamic and thermoregulatory properties. Butterfly wings cool down as a result of low solar absorption combined with efficient radiative heat...

    • Publication date : 2020/02/28
  • Quest for the eternal bubble

    Two Paris-based artists, Olivier Dollinger and Jochen Dehn, are attempting to freeze a liquid bubble permanently. The bubble is to be suspended in mid-air thanks to a refined air-flow system, in a large low-temperature refrigerated display cabinet.

    • Publication date : 2013/09/13