Résultats de recherche

  • 20.000 mégaoctets sous la mer

    Microssoft a testé un prototype de centre de données confiné qui peut opérer plusieurs centaines de mètres sous l'océan au large de la côte Pacifique, permettant ainsi une réduction de l'énergie nécessaire à son refroidissement.

    • Date de publication : 09/05/2016
  • Le marché mondial du transport frigorifique maritime

    Selon le spécialiste en études de marché Technavio, le marché mondial du transport frigorifique maritime devrait progresser de façon régulière à un taux de croissance annuel composé (TCAC) avoisinant les 4 % sur la période 2016-2020.

    • Date de publication : 18/01/2016
  • Legionnaires’ disease

    Two outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease are in the news: - Thirteen deaths have occurred among 85 patients who contracted Legionnaires' disease in the northern French prefecture of Pas-de-Calais. The main cause of the outbreak is a cooling tower at...

    • Date de publication : 28/04/2004
  • The European Intermodal Research Advisory Council

    The European Intermodal Research Advisory Council, set up on May 3, 2005, forms the basis for coordinated intermodal research strategy for Europe. Composed of some 50 key players from large intermodal businesses, intermodal rail and road...

    • Date de publication : 19/07/2005
  • Penguins, offices and seafood

    Who has created a penguin environment at San Diego's Seaworld, ice thermal-storage systems for office towers in Japan and seafood preservation systems for a large Chilean producer? The answer is Sunwell Technologies Inc., a Canadian firm...

    • Date de publication : 19/07/2005
  • SEAD assessment results out

    Efficient air conditioners could help make huge energy savings.

    • Date de publication : 28/08/2013
  • Eurofreeze Contest for Young Researchers

    The International Workshop Eurofreeze 2005 on Individual Quick Freezing of Foods was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) on January 13-15, 2005. It was organized by the Refrigeration Science and Technology Division of the Technical University of Sofia, with...

    • Date de publication : 26/04/2005
  • Briefs: ARTI's 21st Century Research Program

    During the 2004 ASHRAE Winter meeting in Anaheim, results from several research projects initiated under the ARTI (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute) 21st Century Research Program - initiated by ARI (Air-Conditioning and...

    • Date de publication : 28/04/2004
  • Briefs: Cryogenic treatment of heart diseases

    Russia has made its first steps in the cryogenic treatment of heart arrhythmia. A new method was recently implemented by specialists at the V. A. Almazov Federal Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Centre in St. Petersburg. Cryotechnology is used for...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Briefs: ASHRAE to fund research on CO2

    For the first time, ASHRAE is to support research on CO2 (R744) in industrial refrigeration. Thanks to an USD 90 000 grant from ASHRAE, Washington State University (WSU) will conduct research on heat exchangers for sub-critical applications over a...

    • Date de publication : 12/02/2008
  • US research projects to cut AC energy consumption

    The 15 projects selected by Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) – within the Building Energy Efficiency Through Innovative Thermodevices (BEETIT) are developing new approaches and technologies for building cooling equipment and air...

    • Date de publication : 19/09/2012
  • A Research Project on Magnetic Refrigeration in Denmark

    Very few laboratories are dedicated to research on magnetic refrigeration, but their number and the number of countries involved is slowly growing. The Danish Council for Strategic Research has recently donated 14 million DKK to the Risø National...

    • Date de publication : 23/05/2007
  • The first 20 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating)

    What is claimed to be the first 20 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) residential air conditioner has been introduced by Lennox Industries, USA. The XC21 air conditioner has a two-stage scroll compressor and operates on two levels: a high...

    • Date de publication : 19/07/2005
  • Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI) for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

    A microscopic Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI) protocol designed at CEA-I²BM enables high-resolution visualization of amyloid plaques, associated with Alzheimer’s disease, 15-20 years before the first signs of dementia and memory loss appear.

    • Date de publication : 28/11/2012
  • Shipping fresh produce overseas is a key business for airlines operating out of Los Angeles

    For companies shipping fruit and vegetables by air from the West Coast of the USA to high-end supermarkets and restaurants in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, the overarching rule is: Never break the cold chain.

    • Date de publication : 14/05/2013