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Cold Chain Technology Brief: Fishing vessel application.
Author(s) : LARMINAT P. de, DUBRIE A., JOSE A.
Type of article: Techincal Brief, Thematic file
Fishing vessels are primarily intended to catch fi sh, but must also provide an adequate cold chain until the fi sh is unloaded. When not consumed fresh, fi sh is processed in diff erent ways, like in prepared dishes, freezing and canning. This processing can be done in land-based factories or on board large factory ships. These steps involve refrigeration, with implementations depending on the modes of fi shing and processing. The applications of refrigeration for the various process needs in fi shing vessels are presented, with technologies currently in use. HCFC-22 (R-22) is still the widely dominant refrigerant, but it is among the ODS substances that parties to the Montreal protocol are required to phase-out. Under the Kigali agreement, all countries will also have to gradually phase down the use of hydrofl uorocarbons (HFC’s) (UNEP, 20171). Supporting the Montreal Protocol, controlled substances used in mobile marine systems will have to be addressed. Alternatives that are not ozone layer depleting and having zero or low global warming potential are commercially available for new refrigeration systems. But for the existing R-22 fl eets, the challenges are on the servicing of existing R-22 systems requiring continued cost-eff ective availability of R-22 refrigerants and equipment supplies. For small capacity direct expansion (D-X) systems, it is generally possible to retrofi t to non-ODS substances. But for large fl ooded systems, retrofi tting to R-22 alternatives is not a recommended option.
Available documents
Technology Brief: Fishing vessel application (English version)
Pages: 8
PowerPoint: Fishing vessel application (in English)
Pages: 13
Note de synthèse : Les applications aux bateaux de pêche (French version)
Pages: 8
Nota Breve Sobre Las Tecnologías De La Cadena De Frío : Aplicaciones De Buques Pesqueros (Spanish version)
Pages: 8
- Original title: Cold Chain Technology Brief: Fishing vessel application.
- Record ID : 30027324
- Languages: English, French, Spanish
- Subject: Developing country
- Publishers: IIF-IIR; PNUE (Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement)
- Publication date: 2018
- Themes: Marine transport
- Keywords: Sea transport
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- Date : 2005
- Languages : English
- Source: Fruit World int. - n. 1
- Formats : PDF
View record
- Author(s) : DELLACASA A.
- Date : 1987/08/24
- Languages : English
- Source: Development in refrigeration, refrigeration for development. Proceedings of the XVIIth international Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 2003
- Languages : English
- Source: Fruit World int. - n. 2
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- Date : 1983
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Refrigeration - vol. 58 - n. 664
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- Date : 2001/01
- Languages : English
- Source: Fruit World int. - vol. 59 - n. 1
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