A comparative commercial appraisal of chilled ceilings and displacement ventilation with conventional air conditioning systems.

Author(s) : SCOTT R., HUNT J.

Type of article: Article


Tests carried out by Sulzer Infra show that chilled ceilings and displacement ventilation systems suggest that they are an effective alternative to variable air volume systems which are associated with the sick building syndrome, but the authors believe that it will be some time before recognition is achieved in the United Kingdom.


  • Original title: A comparative commercial appraisal of chilled ceilings and displacement ventilation with conventional air conditioning systems.
  • Record ID : 1996-1757
  • Languages: English
  • Source: H&V Eng. - vol. 68 - n. 727
  • Publication date: 1995/08
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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