A look at the temperatures of compressed gases.
Un regard sur les températures des gaz comprimés.
Author(s) : CHRISTIAEN P.
Type of article: Article
The temperature of compressed gases can provide refrigeration practitioners with a great deal of information on what happens inside an air-conditioning or refrigeration system. The temperatures of compressed gas are the highest measured in a cooling system and this temperature measurement is obviously less than optimal in terms of its level and degree of precision. This article gives an insight into gas-temperature measurement and its limits.
- Original title: Un regard sur les températures des gaz comprimés.
- Record ID : 2006-2309
- Languages: French
- Source: Cool Comf. - vol. 7 - n. 28
- Publication date: 2006/01
See the source
Other air-conditioning equipment;
Compressors - Keywords: Refrigerating system; Gas; Temperature; Discharge; Compression system; Air conditioning
The performance criteria for a combined plant f...
- Author(s) : DINU S., PORNEALA S., GELU C.
- Date : 2006
- Languages : English
- Source: Ann. Univ. Dunarea Jos Galati, IV - vol. 20
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The maintenance of air conditioners.
- Author(s) : SASAKI H., OHTSU T., IKEDA T., et al.
- Date : 2004
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Refrigeration - vol. 79 - n. 924
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Betriebserfahrungen mit Kompressionskälteanlage...
- Author(s) : BURANDT B., APLEY R., NOACK R.
- Date : 2001/11/21
- Languages : German
- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht Ulm. 2001.
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Analysis of the operational characteristics of ...
- Author(s) : LEE G., LEE I. H., YOO K. J., et al.
- Date : 2006/07/17
- Languages : English
- Source: 2006 Purdue Conferences. 18th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue & 11th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue [CD-ROM].
- Formats : PDF
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The application of gas technologies for air con...
- Author(s) : RUSSO F.
- Date : 1994/05
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Termotecnica - vol. 48 - n. 5
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