A new development in air conditioning.
Author(s) : STAHL M., KELLER G. M.
The paper outlines and illustrates, by examples, a new air conditioning operating mode combining chilled water radiant panels, and very gentle ventilation creating a vertical displacement of air, from the floor to the ceiling, including fresh air. The advantages and energy savings of the system are presented.
- Original title: A new development in air conditioning.
- Record ID : 1993-2155
- Languages: English
- Publication date: 1992
- Source: Source: ASHRAE Trans.
vol. 98; n. 1; 49-57; 15 fig.; 10 ref.; discuss. - Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- Themes: Other air-conditioning equipment
- Keywords: Radiation; Design; Ceiling; Performance; Development; Thermal comfort; Air conditioning; Chilled water
Plancher chauffant/rafraîchi : deux en un et pa...
- Date : 1993/11/02
- Languages : French
- Source: J. CCI - vol. 4 - n. 11
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Sistema misto: ventilazione a dislocamento con ...
- Author(s) : CORGNATI S. P., FILIPPI M.
- Date : 2005/06
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Cond. Aria - n. 6
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Le travi fredde: le ragioni del successo.
- Author(s) : MAGISTRELLI M.
- Date : 2002/03
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Cond. Aria - n. 3
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Première installation de climatisation avec pou...
- Author(s) : BIENFAIT D.
- Date : 1994/11
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - n. 948
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Cooling ceilings: an opportunity to reduce ener...
- Author(s) : BRUNK M. F.
- Date : 1993
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Transactions.
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