A new dynamic clothing model. 1. Heat and mass transfers.

Author(s) : BERGER X., SARI H.

Type of article: Article


Beyond an insulating function, clothing constitutes a dynamic system managing the hydro-thermal exchanges between body and environment. The built model, presented in the paper, and computed in the form of user-friendly software, points out the interfacing function. The air confined inside the garment creates a micro-climate responsible for the perceived comfort. The exchanges between the external sides of the clothing and the outer environment are lower than in a "static" insulating model, but are to be added to the transfers by renewal of the confined air. This model constitutes a tool giving a comprehensive valuation of the real transfers. It is useful for studies concerning thermal comfort and fabrics.


  • Original title: A new dynamic clothing model. 1. Heat and mass transfers.
  • Record ID : 2001-1554
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Rev. gén. Therm./Int. J. therm. Sci. - vol. 39 - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2000/06


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