A new ejector refrigeration system (NERS) with an additional liquid-vapour jet pump was proposed. The jet pump was used to decrease the back pressure of the ejector, and then the entrainment ratio and the COP of the new system could be increased. The theoretical analysis and simulation calculation was carried out for the new system. The comparison between NERS and the conventional ejector refrigeration system (ERS) was made under the same operating condition. The variation of the new system's COP with generator temperature and back pressure was discussed for two refrigerants: R134a and R152a. The calculation results show the COP of NERS can be improved more effectively and that happens at the cost of more pump work. From the point of view of exergy, the new system is of higher exergetic efficiency and feasible. [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. Copyright, 2005].
- Original title: A new ejector refrigeration system with an additional jet pump.
- Record ID : 2006-1766
- Languages: English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 26 - n. 2-3
- Publication date: 2006/02
See other articles in this issue (6)
See the source
- Themes: Ejector systems, air cycle, Stirling cycle, other cycles)
- Keywords: Refrigerating system; R134a; Jet; Ejector system; Design; R152a; Simulation; Pump; Modelling; Ejector; COP
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- Formats : PDF
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