Active nucleation site density and pool boiling heat transfer: an experimental study.

Author(s) : BARTHAU G.

Type of article: Article


A novel optical method for measuring active nucleation site density is presented. The method has been used in pool boiling experiments with R114 on a horizontal tube and succeeded in measuring up to 5000 sites per cm2. Heat transfer contribution of an individual active site is found to decrease with increasing pressure and is found to decrease strongly with increasing heat flux. The concept of area of influence of a bubble is discussed for the horizontal tube. Latent heat tranfer is found to be significant even at lower heat fluxes.


  • Original title: Active nucleation site density and pool boiling heat transfer: an experimental study.
  • Record ID : 1992-2614
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 35 - n. 2
  • Publication date: 1992/02


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