Air conditioning and heat pumps: French market figures from January to April in 2014.
La climatisation, les pompes à chaleur : les chiffres du marché français de janvier à avril 2014.
Author(s) : PAC & Clim'Info, AFPAC
Type of monograph: Booklet
This press file presents the results of a survey carried out by PAC and Clim'Info in May 2014, aiming at determining the number of air-conditioning units and heat pumps on the French market during the January-April 2014 period. The statistics produced concern the French market alone, and not exports and overseas territories. The survey concerns the following products and markets: large tertiary-sector buildings, industries and hospitals (localized chilled-water systems; air and water condensation chillers); commercial and small office-building cooling (roof-top units, VRV air-conditioning systems); air-to-air heat pumps (single and multi-split with all types of smaller units); air-to-water heat pumps (aerothermal, geothermal, domestic water heating alone).
- Original title: La climatisation, les pompes à chaleur : les chiffres du marché français de janvier à avril 2014.
- Record ID : 30013516
- Languages: French
- Subject: Figures, economy
- Publication: PAC & Clim'Info - France/France
- Publication date: 2014/01
Heat pumps, energy recovery: economics and statistics;
Air conditioning: economics and statistics - Keywords: Office; Industrial application; Geothermy; France; Commercial application; Central air treatment plant; Manufacturer; Air conditioner; Statistics; Tertiary sector; Heat pump; Market; Hospital; Air conditioning; Heating; Chilled water
La climatisation, les pompes à chaleur : les ch...
- Author(s) : PAC & Clim'Info, AFPAC
- Date : 2011/02
- Languages : French
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La climatisation, les pompes à chaleur : les ch...
- Author(s) : PAC & Clim'Info, AFPAC
- Date : 2014/01
- Languages : French
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La climatisation et les pompes à chaleur : résu...
- Author(s) : PAC&Clim'info, AFPAC
- Date : 2011/02/14
- Languages : French
- Source: Conférence de presse PAC&Clim'info & AFPAC - 28 p.; fig.
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La climatisation de confort : résultats du marc...
- Author(s) : PAC&Clim'info, AFPAC
- Date : 2011/02/14
- Languages : French
- Source: Conférence de presse PAC&Clim'info & AFPAC - 32 p.; fig.; tabl.
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Produits et marché : où sont les opportunités ?
- Author(s) : TRAVERS V.
- Date : 1995/10
- Languages : French
- Source: CLIM Chauff. Confort - n. 1
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