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216 results
Thermal analysis and optimization of an ice and snow melting system using geothermy by super-long flexible heat pipes
IIR document
Covering peak loads with phase change materials in a geothermal and desiccant assisted air conditioning system.
Thermosyphon performance in turfgrass green season prolongation with shallow geothermal source.
Dynamic simulation of a supercritical ORC using low-temperature geothermal heat.
Scope and implementation of ground source heat extraction technology in India for multiple energy saving applications.
Effect of ventilation on the thermal performance of tunnel lining GHEs.
Cooling performance of two-phase closed thermosyphons installed at a highway embankment in permafrost regions.
Numerical investigation of solar and geothermal powered desiccant assisted air conditioning in full-year operation.
Performance comparison of a vertical direct expansion geothermal evaporator: PART II, multiple U-pipes.
Sistemas geotérmicos de caudal de refrigerante variable.
Ground VRV (Variable-Refrigerant-Volume) systems.
GeoThermag: a geothermal magnetic refrigerator.
Geothermal heat exchange in boreholes with independent sources.
Análisis del comportamiento de una bomba de calor geotérmica con tecnología inverter en vivienda unifamiliar. Parte II: resultados.
Behaviour analysis of a geothermal heat pump with frequency inverter in dwelling house. Part II: results.
Multi-objective optimization of evaporator of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) for low temperature geothermal heat source.
Thermal response test for ground source heat pump based on constant temperature and heat-flux methods.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
57 results
Geothermy to heat and cool metro in Nagpur, India.
The Maharashtra Metro Rail Company Limited (Maha-metro) has decided to use geothermal AC system to reduce operating costs by 10 to 15 %.
Global geothermal market is growing
A report from GEA reveal that the geothermal power market is achieving a growth rate of 4-5% with around 700 projects currently under development in 76 countries.
Reducing the economic costs of a direct-use geothermal heating system
Italian researchers have modelled a polymer heat exchanger to reduce the cost of a direct-use geothermal heating system for a single building in the active volcano district of the...
The Global Geothermal Heat Pump Market 2015-2019
The global geothermal heat pump market will grow at a CAGR of 15.26% over the period 2015-2019, according to a report from Research and Markets.
Martinique: a geothermal cooling network project
Storengy and TLS Geothermics have been granted a research permit to explore the subsoil of Martinique and the potential of geothermal energy. Engie Solutions will bring its expertise in heating and cooling...
The potential for seabed geothermal energy in the UK
An international study has shown the potential for using capillary heat exchangers for heat pumps in the shallows of the seabed, with the potential to provide heating for homes.
Recent geothermal energy-based district cooling projects
In December 2023, district cooling projects using geothermal energy were launched in France and the United Arab Emirates.
Geothermal heat pumps on the rise
Geothermal (ground-source) heat pumps (GHPs) are one of the fastest growing applications of renewable energy in the world with worldwide annual growth rate which exceeded 10% over the past 10 years.
Global geothermal heat pump system market
Analysts forecast the Global Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) System market to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.50 % over the period 2013-2018.
Geothermal energy to power a cold storage facility
Two remote off-grid villages on a Fijian island are looking forward to their first reliable source of refrigeration thanks to their local hot spring.
North American geothermal heating and cooling markets
Geothermal heating and cooling technologies may hold the key for an increase in overall energy efficiency in non-residential buildings.
North America and Europe lead the global geothermal heat pump market
The global geothermal heat pumps market is expected to have a 13.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2014 to 2020, reaching USD 130.5 billion by the end of 2020.
Geothermal heat-pump under supermarket car park
Walmart’s new 12,540 m² prototype store in Burlington, ON, Canada is equipped with a geo-heat exchange heating and cooling system using 15 km of pipes under the store’s parking lot.
New legal framework for the development of small heat pumps in France
In France, as of 1 July 2015, the owners of geothermal systems “of minimal importance” will have access to a simplified declaration procedure.
A ground source heat pump at Cornell
The Bloomberg Center at the tech campus of Cornell University (New York, USA) was recently equipped with a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP).
IIR news
3 results
IIR wins ECREEE Award for solar cooling and heating efforts in Africa with SophiA
The ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Forum took place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire on November 28-29. The IIR organised a SophiA workshop and was honoured with an ECREEE Award for its outstanding contribution to...
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Check out the latest IIR publications including CO2 as a Refrigerant, Handbook on Indirect Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems and the 1st IIR International Conference of Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology (ICCRT 2016).
Hot off the press: Handbook on Indirect Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems
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