Air-treatment plants and their performance.

Les installations de traitement d'air et leurs performances.

Author(s) : LABASSE J. G.

Type of article: Article


Three large families of air-distribution systems (turbulent flow, low-speed air displacement and laminar flow) meet the needs of hazardous areas in health-care establishments. In third and fourth degree areas, the plants should be equipped with absolute filters.


  • Original title: Les installations de traitement d'air et leurs performances.
  • Record ID : 1996-3038
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Chaud Froid Plomb./Chauff. Vent. Cond. - 67-69; 2 fig.; 2 tabl.
  • Publication date: 1995/10
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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