Alternative models to predict the thermal conductivity of frozen foods.

La conductividad térmica en alimentos congelados: modelos alternativos para su predicción.

Author(s) : WANG J. F., CARSON J. K., NORTH M. F., et al.

Type of article: Article


This article is the Spanish translation of a paper presented at the IIR meeting in Auckland, New Zealand (see the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2007-0707). For two component materials, combinations of 5 fundamental effective thermal conductivity structural models (series, parallel, two forms of Maxwell-Eucken, effective medium theory) were wed to define 26 new models, each with a distinct and unique structure. The predictions of these models were compared to measured values for 22 high-moisture-content foods between -40 and -1°C. Near the initial freezing temperature, the accuracy of the models was constrained by the precision of the ice fraction model wed. Overall, the most accurate model was a combination of the parallel, Maxwell-Eucken (with ice as the dispersed phase) and series structures. However, other combined models were only slightly less accurate, and were superior to the Levy model which has previously been recommended for such foods. The final assessment of the best models for frozen foods will require information on ice fraction and structural features in addition to accurate measured thermal conductivity data.

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Pages: pp. 22-29 (6 p.)


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  • Original title: La conductividad térmica en alimentos congelados: modelos alternativos para su predicción.
  • Record ID : 2010-1952
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Source: IIF-IIR/Frío Calor Aire acond. - vol. 35 - n. 395
  • Publication date: 2007/09


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