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IIR document
Effect of sorbet freezing process on draw temperature and ice crystal size using focused beam reflectance method (FBRM) online measurements.
Effect of thermal property model selection on the accuracy of a one-dimensional numerical solution for the forced air chilling and freezing of food products.
Effect of various freezing rate on freeze-drying process of water diagnosed by ultrasonic technology.
Experimental investigation of the fluid flow inside a hydrofluidisation freezing chamber.
Efecto de une velocidad reducida del ventilador de aire sobre los tiempos de congelación y el consumo de energía en un túnel de congelación.
The effect of reduced air fan speed on freezing times and energy consumption in a freezing tunnel.
State of the art: superchilling in the food processing industry.
Air distribution optimization of impingement freezer.
Macchine ed impianti per la conservazione e transformazione dei prodotti alimentari.
Machines and infrastructures for preserving and transforming foodstuffs.
Examinations of quantitative evaluation method of food freezing process. Evaluation of pre-cooling freezing.
Freezing time of a slab using the method of lines.
Infrared differential thermal analysis (IDTA) of multiple freezing processes.
Modelling freezing of food products at ice crystal scales.
Evaluation of the static electric field effects on freezing parameters of some food systems.
Effects of ultrahigh permittivity ceramic on water freezing by high voltage electric field-assisted freezing system.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Is it effective to pre-cool close to the freezing point temperature before freezing?
Refrigeration sector monitoring
56 results
Dehydrofreezing of apples
A recent study focuses on a freezing process for partially dehydrated apples.
Food safety: the problems caused by condensation
Some advice to prevent or remove condensation, often involved in food contamination.
Refrigeration reduces the glycemic index of cooked rice
Several studies highlight the benefits of refrigeration on the glycaemic index of rice, which is important in the control of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Is super-cooling better than chilling for seafood products?
Super-cooled storage is a novel technique that better preserves the texture and freshness of fish and extends shelf life compared to chilling.
Supercooling and superchilling to increase the shelf life and reduce food waste
Superchilling and supercooling have enormous potential to enable safe, high quality and long term storage of foods without the consumer perceived detrimental effects of freezing.
Frozen produces less CO2 emissions than chilled food
A scientific report by Bristol-based Refrigeration Developments and Testing Ltd. suggests that frozen food emits less CO2 emissions than chilled food, contrary to popular belief.
Comparison of the nutritional values of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables
Researchers compared nutritional values between frozen, fresh and fresh-stored fruits and vegetables.
1924 – 2024: Celebrating 100 years of the frozen food industry
In 1924, Clarence Birdseye patented the first apparatus for freezing and packaging fish.
France: a guidebook on the best practices for the loading of frozen food (in French)
The French Union of Refrigerated Transport (UNTF) published a best practice guide on frozen food loading in refrigerated trucks.
European food freezing industry launches a collaborative action to shape the future of the sector
The Kick-off Meeting of the EHEDG Subgroup of Food Refrigeration Equipment will take place on 6 December 2013 at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands, where professionals are kindly invited.
Frozen food “bad reputation”
According to an online survey of 1013 Americans conducted by Braun Research for ConAgra Foods in March, four out of five US consumers believe that frozen foods are highly processed and not as nutritious as fresh foods.
The Bristish frozen food market
The total frozen food market for the 52 weeks ending June 22, 2014 stands at just under 7.3 billion euros and grew year on year by 2.5% in value.
UK: frozen food could contribute to food security
A BFFF report concluded that by increasing frozen food consumption, the UK could reduce food waste, boost food affordability and lessen the environmental impact of food, all of which would subsequently contribute to improved food security.
Food invention: frozen tea cubes
Iceland Food has expressed interest in a student prize-winning invention: frozen fruit tea cubes.
USA: consumption of frozen meals compared to quick service restaurant meals
In the USA, people who regularly eat frozen meals consume 253 fewer calories and 2.6 less grams of saturated fat per day than people who eat fast food. Additionally, adults who eat frozen meals have higher daily intakes of important nutrients.
IIR news
3 results
Cooling Keeps Food Fresh : Global Campaign Announced for World Refrigeration Day, June 26
Since 2019, June 26 celebrates the World Refrigeration Day. With increasing global stakes at hand over the past years, refrigeration took a leading role at the heart of international...
New in our Encyclopedia. Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
This summary document presents the applications of cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry .
News from IIR members: Linde
Linde has launched CRYOLINE XF, a new cryogenic spiral freezer, which uses advanced cross-flow technology to reduce freezing time and improve cryogen efficiency, while reducing overall freezer size.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
2 results
Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...
Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data
From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...