IIR document

An absorption based miniature heat pump system for electronics cooling.

Author(s) : KIM Y. J., JOSHI Y. K., FEDOROV A. G.

Type of article: Article, IJR article


The development of an absorption based miniature heat pump system is motivated by the need for removal of increasing rates of heat from high performance electronic chips such as microprocessors. The goal of the present study is to keep the chip temperature near ambient temperature, while removing 100 W of heat load. Water/LiBr pair is used as the working fluid. A novel dual micro-channel array evaporator is adopted, which reduces both the mass flux through each micro-channel, as well as the channel length, thus reducing the pressure drop. Micro-channel arrays for the desorber and condenser are placed in intimate communication with each other using a hydrophobic membrane. This acts as a common interface between the desorber and the condenser to separate the water vapour from LiBr solution. The escaped water vapour is immediately cooled and condensed at the condenser side. For direct air cooling of condenser and absorber, offset strip fin arrays are used. The performance of the components and the entire system is numerically evaluated and discussed.

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Pages: 23-33


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  • Original title: An absorption based miniature heat pump system for electronics cooling.
  • Record ID : 2008-0904
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 31 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 2008/01


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