An integrated approach to indoor air quality.

Author(s) : EVANS P., AKERBERG N.

Type of article: Article


Points to the multifaceted nature of the problem of indoor air quality (IAQ) and maintains that the combined efforts of many professionals are required to produce healthy work place environments now and in the future. Refers to federal legislation in the USA which will create a federal office of IAQ. Discusses ventilation and IAQ, plus medical issues, including sick building syndrome. Recommends a range of practical solutions. Explores how interior furnishings and building materials affect IAQ.


  • Original title: An integrated approach to indoor air quality.
  • Record ID : 1993-1547
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment
  • Source: Consult. Specif. Eng. - vol. 10 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1991/07


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