Analysis of greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe for 2004. (Technical report).
Author(s) : EEA (European Environment Agency), ETC, ACC
Type of monograph: Report
This report was prepared by EEA's European Topic Centre for Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC). It presents information on the1990-2002 and projected progress (by 2010) of the European Union and its Member States and of other EEA countries towards achieving their emission targets under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. Extract from the table of contents: greenhouse-gas emissions in the EU-23; progress of EEA countries in limiting greenhouse-gas emissions; use of Kyoto mechanisms in the EU-15 Member States; key domestic policies and measures; sectoral emission trends and projections in the EU-15 (energy supply and use; transport; agriculture; industry; waste management); accounting of carbon sinks by EU Member States; the reporting scheme. In the annexes: actual and projected greenhouse gas emissions by EU-15 and by the new EU Member States; summary of EU-15 greenhouse gas emission trends and projections; greenhouse gas inventory data for the EU-23 and other EEA countries; 23 country reports with EU-15 and new Member States policies and measures, emission projections and methodologies. The report, along with the 6 annexes, can be downloaded from the Web site:
- Original title: Analysis of greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe for 2004. (Technical report).
- Record ID : 2006-1021
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment, General information
- Publication: EEA (European Environment Agency) - Denmark/Denmark
- Publication date: 2004
- ISSN: 17252237
- ISBN: 9291677077
- Source: Source: n. 7; 102 + 417 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; 6 append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
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