Two-stage air-cooled ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system could make good use of low-grade solar energy to produce cooling effect. The simulation research of the two-stage air-cooled absorber is important to study the absorption performance. Circular finned tube bundles are selected to build the absorber which is in cross flow with the cooling air. The mathematical model of the falling film absorber is mainly based on the mass, concentration and energy balance combined with simultaneous heat and mass transfer process. Equations of heat and mass transfer coefficients are supplied to calculate the transfer rate. According to the two-film theory, finite difference method is used to solve the mathematical model under a typical summer working condition. The simulation results show that the low pressure absorber should be arranged in front of middle pressure absorber with series arrangement for optimum absorption length. Temperatures and concentrations profiles along the absorption length are also calculated to study the heat and mass transfer process. Mass transfer resistance mainly exists in liquid phase while heat transfer resistance mainly exists in cooling air side and vapour phase. The simulation results of variable working conditions distinguish the important and less important parameters related to the absorption behavior. The absorption performance shows that two-stage air-cooled ammonia-water absorption chiller is technically feasible in practical solar cooling applications.
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- Original title: Analytical investigation of a two-stage air-cooled absorber for solar cooling applications.
- Record ID : 30004676
- Languages: English
- Source: ACRA2010. Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning: Tokyo, Japan, June 7-9, 2010.
- Publication date: 2010/06/07
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