Ariane V's cryotechnic tanks: issues concerning the future launch missions.

Réservoirs cryotechniques d'Ariane V : problématiques liées aux missions futures du lanceur.


The missions of the new European cryotechnic stage generation include one or several ballistic phases, followed by engine reignitions. During these low gravity phases lasting several hours, the propellants float freely in the tanks where new problems then arise; regulation of the heat fluxes during the orbit phase; tank vapour discharging without liquid discharge; position of the liquid at the discharge orifice before engine reignition. Two solutions meeting these requirements seem possible for the various European launchers presented in this article: the first consists in retaining the propellants permanently at the bottom of the tank or allowing them to flow freely until the engine is reignited.


  • Original title: Réservoirs cryotechniques d'Ariane V : problématiques liées aux missions futures du lanceur.
  • Record ID : 2007-0046
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Sixth conference on cryogenics and superconductivity. Proceedings (comprising papers and posters)./ Sixièmes Journées de cryogénie et de supraconductivité. Recueil des présentations orales et posters.
  • Publication date: 2000/05/16


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