Capturing CO2.
Type of monograph: Report
Emissions of greenhouse gases are expected to cause climate change. The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2) and the major source of it is the combustion of fossil fuels to supply energy. Emissions can be reduced by a variety of measures, such as improving energy efficiency and developing alternative energy sources, like wind and solar power. Extract from the table of contents: the power plants and capture processes; performance of the power plants (power plant efficiency; emissions of CO2; consumption of resources and other emissions; capital costs and cost of electricity generation; sensitivity to cost of fuel and to the load factor; cost of transport and storage of CO2); other factors that influence the choice of technology. The report can be downloaded from the following Web site:
- Original title: Capturing CO2.
- Record ID : 2008-0434
- Languages: English
- Subject: Regulation, Environment, General information
- Publication: IEA GHG - United kingdom/United kingdom
- Publication date: 2007/05
- ISBN: 9781898373414
- Source: Source: 23 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.; append.
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