Certification of heat pump technologies and installers. Proceedings of the EU SAVE workshop.
Date: 2000.12.13
Location: Paris, France
These proceedings contain 8 papers presented at this workshop held under the auspices of the European Commission DG-TREN-SAVE programme and organised jointly by ADPM and the IIR. Extract from the table of contents: basis for European training certification on heat pumps; performance certification: why is it necessary? heat pump quality and certification of installers in Switzerland; certification programme: Swedish experience; heat pumps in housing: from certification to labelling; creating a European market for heat pumps; setting up of a European CHARTER guaranteeing the quality of heating installations and the energy saved by heat pumps.
- Original title: Certification of heat pump technologies and installers. Proceedings of the EU SAVE workshop.
- Organiser : ADPM
- Record ID : 2002-1669
- Languages: English
- Number of articles: 0
- Publication: ADPM (Association de Promotion et Maîtrise de l'énergie) - France/France
- Source: Source: 64 p. (21 x 29.7); tabl.; ref.
- Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
- Notes:
Proc. EU SAVE Workshop Certif. Heat Pump Technol. Install., Paris
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Hands-on experience with heat pumps in building...
- Organiser : IEA HPC, IPUHPC
- Date : 2001/10/10
- Languages : English
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Heat pump promotion. Case study Switzerland.
- Author(s) : AFJEI T.
- Date : 1995/08/20
- Languages : English
- Source: For a Better Quality of Life. 19th International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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Annex 25. Year-round residential space conditio...
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- Date : 2005
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International heat pump status and policy revie...
- Author(s) : PRISTA L.
- Date : 1993/09
- Languages : English
- Source: Infoenergia - 37 p.; 5 fig.; 23 tabl.; 39 ref.
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- Date : 2008/05/20
- Languages : English
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