Annex 25. Year-round residential space conditioning systems using heat pumps. Final report [CD-ROM].

Author(s) : IEA HPP

Type of monograph: Report


The objective of this Annex is to define and show the technical feasibility of new packaged systems for year-round residential space conditioning using heat pumps. The work carried out cover low initial and operating costs, comfort provided, suitability to customer demands, design/installation requirements and performances. This IEA Heat Pump Programme report contains 5 state-of-the-art studies in Canada, France, The Netherlands, Sweden and the USA (appendix to the Dutch contribution: market for sustainable cooling) as well as contributions and demonstrations from France, The Netherlands, Sweden and the USA.


  • Original title: Annex 25. Year-round residential space conditioning systems using heat pumps. Final report [CD-ROM].
  • Record ID : 2007-1799
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Environment
  • Publication: Iea hpp - Sweden/Sweden
  • Publication date: 2005
  • ISBN: 9185303038
  • Source: Source: HPP-AN25-1; 128 p.; CD-ROM; fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.; EUR 60.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.