Code of Good Hygienic Practices for milking with automatic milking systems.

Author(s) : JEPSEN L., EVERITT B., COOK C., et al.

Type of article: Article


This Code of Good Practice (GHP) was developed with the aim of assisting milk producers in producing safe and suitable milk using an Automatic Milking System (AMS) and provides recommendations that are intended to supplement general good hygienic milking practices as stipulated by legislation and/or sector guides on good hygienic milking. The basic principles used in developing this code were: that the guidelines included in this code for the application of AMS are considered as being sufficient to ensure a milk quality that is (at least) equivalent to the quality obtained through traditional milking systems; that primary production should be managed in a manner that ensures that milk is safe and suitable for its intended use; that guidelines for hygienic management in the primary production stage should be established through application of HACCP.


  • Original title: Code of Good Hygienic Practices for milking with automatic milking systems.
  • Record ID : 2004-1843
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Bull. FIL-IDF - n. 386
  • Publication date: 2004
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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