Colonisation studies of various HVAC insulation materials.

Author(s) : AHEARN D. G., PRICE D. L., SIMMONS R. B., et al.


Reports on an investigation of various HVAC system insulation materials that showed no excessive dust or moisture, for their ability to support the growth of fungi. States that in addition to agreeing that damp and dirty induct insulation materials may support the growth of numerous microorganisms, the observations indicate that environmental conditions in certain well-maintained HVAC systems are conducive to selection and amplification of fungi.


  • Original title: Colonisation studies of various HVAC insulation materials.
  • Record ID : 1994-1082
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1992/10
  • Source: Source: ASHRAE Symp./Proc. IAQ '92, San Francisco
    179-184; 6 fig.; ref.