Comparison of IAQ between an air-conditioned building and a naturally ventilated building during the heating season.

Author(s) : KIM G. Y., KIM Y. H., SIM I. C.


Field measurements were made during the heating season to compare IAQ between an air conditioned building (Building A) and a naturally ventilated building (Building B) situated in he centre of Pyongyang and similar in architectural design, number of occupants and years of occupation. Compared with Building A, Building B had a significantly lower mean air temperature (with greater influence of outdoor temperature), non-significantly higher relative humidity, higher air velocity, significantly lower air exchange rate, non-significantly higher airborne particle concentration, similar airborne bacteria concentrations but higher indoor fungal concentrations. There were no great differences in bacteria and fungal species indoors between two buildings. The mean levels of all parameters were within acceptable ranges in both buildings. In conclusion, IAQ in the air-conditioned building was better than in the naturally ventilated one in the heating season in our study and the main reason is the difference of air exchange rates. Further study of IAQ is expected in both buildings during the cooling season.


  • Original title: Comparison of IAQ between an air-conditioned building and a naturally ventilated building during the heating season.
  • Record ID : 2006-2022
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1999/08/09
  • Source: Source: Proc. AIVC Conf., Edinburgh
    CP 20; n. 10; 5 p.; fig.; tabl.; 7 ref./AIVC CD n. 6.