Consumer analysis of tenderness and acceptability of beef very quickly or slowly chilled, aged or not aged.


Type of excerpt: Book chapter


Tenderness of beef is the most important organoleptic quality for the consumers. Tenderness of meat depends upon two major components: the connective tissue and the myofibrillar tissue. After the death of the animal, the connective tissue changes little and constitutes the basal toughness of meat. Controversially, the myofibrillar component is subjected to many changes which are at the origin of tenderisation of the meat. These changes could be classed into two groups: the physicochemical changes such as the decline of pH and the increase of osmolarity and expressible juice, and the biochemical changes which are the consequence of the endogenous proteolytic systems which become out of control postmortem. The purpose of the study was to determine if the changes in toughness of very fast chilled muscles can be detected by the consumers.


  • Original title: Consumer analysis of tenderness and acceptability of beef very quickly or slowly chilled, aged or not aged.
  • Record ID : 2000-0821
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Very fast chilling in beef. 1. Peri-mortem and the chilling process. 2. Muscle to meat. 3. Eating quality. Concerted Action CT94-1881.
  • Publication date: 1998/02
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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