Containment of refrigeration equipment.

Author(s) : CETIM, LNE, Uniclima, CAZAURAN X., HUCHET A., PIOGER J., et al.

Type of monograph: Book


This document has been published in the "Environment, safety and regulations" series. It has been commissioned by the "Containment" working group of the Cetim and Cetiat MFCE (refrigeration equipment, air conditioners and heat exchangers) joint commission in close relation with Uniclima, the French air handling, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment manufacturers association. Environmental damage as a direct result of emissions and as an indirect result of energy consumption, both of which contribute to the greenhouse effect; ozone depletion due to the effects of certain fluids; danger for people due to fire or intoxication risks; overconsumption of energy and fluids. These are some of the consequences of refrigerant leakage. Wishful thinking or pressing necessity, containment of these fluids is above all a serious matter that is tightly regulated. Why is this the case and how should the matter be dealt with? The authors attempt to answer these questions and aim to provide the reader with comprehensive and up-to-date information on the subject. The themes tackled include parameters and types of leakage, detection, measurements, qualification of components, recommendations, prevention, methodology for containment control and standards. Valuable advice is given to ensure the safety of people and property and the protection of the environment.


  • Original title: Containment of refrigeration equipment.
  • Record ID : 2011-0376
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Publication: Cetim (centre technique des industries mécaniques) - France/France
  • Publication date: 2010
  • Collection:
  • ISBN: 9782854009293
  • Source: Source: 2F34; 163 p.; fig.; photogr.; tabl.; ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.