IIR document
Cryogenics: refrigeration that is fundamental to advanced technologies.
Author(s) : LEBRUN P.
PowerPoint presentation given at the joint IIR-AFF international conference on the occasion of the centenaries of both organizations, held in Paris, France.
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- Original title: Cryogenics: refrigeration that is fundamental to advanced technologies.
- Record ID : 2008-1897
- Languages: French
- Subject: General information
- Publication date: 2008/06/12
- Source: Source: IIR-AFF Centen., Int. Conf., 100 Years Hist. Serv. Dev. Refrig. Appl., Paris/IIF-AFF Centen., Colloq. int., 100 Ans Serv. Dév. Froid Appl., Paris/www.iifiir.org
18 p.; fig.; phot.; tabl.
Cryology, gas processing: general information;
Small-scale cryogenic applications, cryocoolers;
Properties of cryogenic fluids and materials;
Gas liquefaction and separation;
LNG and LPG;
Applications of liquified gases;
Other applications of cryogenic temperatures - Keywords: Superconduction; Generality; Liquefaction; Separation; LNG; Cryocooler; Cryogenics; Cryofluid
Petite histoire de la réfrigération d'hélium en...
- Author(s) : GISTAU-BAGUER G.
- Date : 2003/05/20
- Languages : French
- Source: Septièmes Journées de cryogénie et de supraconductivité. Recueil des présentations orales et posters [CD-ROM].
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La criogenia y la separacion de gas al servicio...
- Author(s) : CASTLE W. F.
- Date : 2007/01
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: IIF-IIR/Frío Calor Aire acond. - vol. 34 - n. 388
- Formats : PDF
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Helium sources and recovery processes, with spe...
- Author(s) : MUKHOPADHYAY M.
- Date : 1980/05
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics - vol. 20 - n. 5
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New generation of self-pressurized delivery sys...
- Author(s) : NEESER T., DRUBE P.
- Date : 2006/07/17
- Languages : English
- Source: Multiconference CryoPrague 2006 (9th Cryogenics 2006, ICEC 21, ICMC'06)
- Formats : PDF
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Helium liquefaction with a commercial 4 K Giffo...
- Date : 2006/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics - vol. 46 - n. 11
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