IIR document

Design of a cold air distribution system.

Author(s) : DORGAN C. B., DORGAN C. E.


The development and acceptance of cold air distribution are one of the key factors in successful cool thermal storage throughout the world. Although cold air distribution provides comfort and indoor air quality benefits at no penalty, the driving benefit related to cool storage with cold air distribution is lower first cost of installed cooling systems. In 1988 EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute, USA) developed a design guide for cold air distribution. A revised guide was published in 1995.

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  • Original title: Design of a cold air distribution system.
  • Record ID : 1998-2468
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Symposium on Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings - 1997
  • Publication date: 1997/09/09
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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