IIR document
Determining thermophysical properties of lithium and calcium chloride aqueous solutions as low temperature secondary working fluids.
Author(s) : MELINDER Å.
Secondary working fluids (secondary refrigerants, heat transfer fluids, etc.) are used for a variety of indirect refrigeration applications, incl. freezers in supermarkets and some applications at even lower temperatures. An ideal secondary working fluid should possess good thermo-physical properties. Besides giving sufficient freezing protection it should have good heat transport capacity, give good heat transfer and give small pressure drop for the system fluid flow. Commonly used secondary working fluids can often not be used in low temperature applications. Aqueous salts, such as calcium chloride and potassium salts are used, but not at operation temperatures below -35°C, as freezing points below -45°C then are needed, getting too close to the eutectic temperature. However, the eutectic temperature of lithium chloride - water is below -65°C. Thermophysical properties of lithium chloride have been studied with sorption dehumidification in view at higher temperatures. This paper will focus on a literature search and some measurements to establish technically reliable thermophysical property values for aqueous solutions of lithium chloride, especially for temperatures below 0°C. The thermo-physical properties examined are freezing point, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity. Viscosity of calcium chloride is also considered as low temperature values in refrigeration handbooks differ from some measurements recorded in literature and by the author.
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- Original title: Determining thermophysical properties of lithium and calcium chloride aqueous solutions as low temperature secondary working fluids.
- Record ID : 2007-2641
- Languages: English
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 2007/08/21
- See translations: Soluciones acuosas de cloruro de litio y cloruro de calcio como fluidos secundarios de trabajo a baja temperatura: determinación de las propiedades termo físicas.
See other articles from the proceedings (839)
See the conference proceedings
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Indirect refrigeration systems.
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- Date : 2003/08/17
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- Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
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Properties of aqueous solutions of lithium and ...
- Author(s) : CONDE M. R.
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