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1353 results
Estimation of thermal properties of lightweight mortars using a genetic algorithm.
Enhanced thermophysical properties of NEILs as heat transfer fluids for solar thermal applications.
IIR document
Experimental evaluation of thermal properties of R134a clathrates based PCMs for cooling applications.
Prediction of food thermal properties to enable accurate design of food refrigeration processes.
Thermal simulation of a social dwelling in Chile: Effect of the thermal zone and the temperature-dependant thermophysical properties of light envelope materials.
Influence of thermal properties of brown seaweeds (Saccharina Latissima) on atmospheric freeze-drying process in fluidized bed.
Thermophysical properties and thermal stability of different sugar alcohols as phase change materials: a comprehensive review.
Study on thermal properties of a novel PCM and heat transfer characteristics in refrigerated vehicles with cold-storage plates.
Preparation and properties of lauric acid-decanoic acid/tetradecyl alcohol-dodecane composite as PCMs for thermal energy storage.
Preparation, characterisation and property modification of a calcium chloride hexahydrate phase change material slurry with additives for thermal energy transportation.
Effect of thermal property model selection on the accuracy of a one-dimensional numerical solution for the forced air chilling and freezing of food products.
Experimental study and thermodynamic modeling of solid-liquid equilibrium of binary and ternary mixtures formed by C11H24, C12H26 and C14H30 for cryogenic thermal energy storage.
Low temperature thermal radiative properties of gold coated metals.
An overview of the thermal radiative properties of metallic materials.
Gas infrared radiative properties and effects on thermal fluid dynamics.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
34 results
The US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has developed a new air-conditioning system combining membranes, evaporative coolers and desiccants into a single device with the objective to suit to all climates,...
Radiative cooling: smart materials to switch from heating to cooling
Researchers have developed a radiative thermal management device, composed of several layers of reflective/absorbent materials, capable of switching between heating and cooling...
Radiative cooling coatings that can adapt to the seasons
A novel material can be used as a coating on building’s rooftops or windows to provide radiative cooling in the summer without overcooling in the colder months.
The potential for seabed geothermal energy in the UK
An international study has shown the potential for using capillary heat exchangers for heat pumps in the shallows of the seabed, with the potential to provide heating for homes.
A solar-plus-ice-battery-storage system at Palm Springs Cultural Center
Ice Energy and Horizon Solar Power have completed the installation of a solar-plus-ice-battery-storage system at Palm Springs Cultural Center in California.
AIRAH’s solar summit points the way to a sustainable future.
AIRAH’s Solar Cooling and Heating Forum, held in Brisbane in August, proved that Australia’s HVAC&R sector has the expertise and the desire to exploit solar technology.
Honey is an efficient natural cryoprotectant in fertility preservation
While several review articles point to the need for new, effective and less toxic cryoprotectants, honey has proven to be an effective non-penetrating...
Nanotechnoly: what’s new?
Nanotechnology - the manipulation of cell and atomic structure in materials no larger than a billionth of a metre in size - has recently been described by Frank O'Brien-Bernini, Vice President of Owens Corning Science & Technology Center, as...
ICR 2019: an overview of current refrigeration research (part II)
Presentation of the main scientific and technical topics covered in the papers of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration and summary of some of the 14 keynotes.
Briefs: Ice cubes at over 10°C
Ice slurries are well known for their capacity to transport heat within confined systems. Cemagref is currently working on a new type of two-phase secondary refrigerant: a gas-hydrate slurry which could pave the way for applications in the...
H-fluid as an alternative to HFC-134a?
The new European Directive 2006/40 on emissions from air-conditioning systems in motor vehicles - which bans F-gases with a GWP higher than 150 (such as HFC-134a) as of 2011 for new models of cars - and Californian legislation which is putting...
R1234yf as a working fluid in Organic Rankine Cycle systems
A recent review article presented the use of HFO R1234yf and its mixtures in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems, namely in applications for waste heat recovery from internal...
Road to COP28. Energy efficiency and recovery of refrigerants
“Sustainability must refer to energy efficiency and circularity”, says Dr Laura Fedele, IIR expert.
IIR Rankine Conference 2020: Which alternative working fluids for ORC systems?
HFOs (hydrofluoroolefins), HCFOs (hydrochlorofluoroolefins) and hydrocarbons were the main alternatives to HFC245fa presented during the IIR Rankine Conference 2020.
A promising future for nanorefrigerants
A review article published in the IJR highlights the remarkable heat transfer properties of nanorefrigerants, which are leading to significant improvements in the performance of refrigeration systems.
IIR news
8 results
ICR 2011 in Prague: a Resounding Success
The 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration held in Prague, on August 21-26, 2011, was highly successful...
New IIR publication: Compendium
The Food Research Institute of Prague and the IIR have co-published a compendium entitled "Thermophysical Properties of Food: Selected Fruits and Vegetables". This book presents a critical literature review of data on the freezing point, density,...
IIR Research Priorities
The IIR decided, within the framework of its Strategic Plan, to draw up a list of research priorities for the future. It hopes that these priorities will be a valuable guiding force for decision-makers in the public and private research sectors,...
Obituary: André Gac
The IIR is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of André Gac, former IIR Director on July 14th at the age of 98.
New IIR Informatory Note on thermal energy storage systems
IIR’s latest Informatory Note demonstrates that a well-designed TES system can reduce energy consumption through more efficient equipment operation and lower investment costs, thus reducing the equipment...
EU project ENOUGH offers PhD scholarship at CNR-ITC in Padova (Italy)
A PhD scholarship will be offered as part of the Horizon 2020 project ENOUGH. The European project will aim to provide technologies, tools and methods to contribute to the EU Farm to Fork strategy to achieve...
Spotlight on Commission B2: at the forefront of refrigerating equipment
Coordinated by the IIR Science and Technology Council, Commission B2 focuses on promoting knowledge of refrigerating equipment technologies and their applications worldwide.
Past events: The IIR around the world, August and September 2024
A look back at the IIR’s latest events during conferences (Gustav Lorentzen, Thermag, Compressors) and during sponsored vents (CHPC).
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
7 results
Nanorefrigerants are created by adding nanoparticles in suspension to a base refrigerant. They have a thermal conductivity that is 15% to 104% higher than that of the corresponding...
Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling
In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...
Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...
Additive manufacturing of heat exchangers
In the refrigeration industry, additive manufacturing (colloquially referred to as “3D printing”) makes it possible to fabricate novel, complex and potentially more energy efficient...
Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...
Hydrocarbon refrigerants
Hydrocarbons such as R290 (propane), R600a (isobutane) or R1270 (propene/propylene) are low GWP non-toxic natural refrigerants with excellent thermodynamic properties. They offer an...
Cryogenics in the pharmaceutical industry: drug design and bioavailability improvement
Research activities in the pharmaceutical sector focus primarily on developing novel drug formulations which can elicit the desired response upon being administered to the patient...