IIR document

Development of a two-stage CO2 supermarket system.

Author(s) : SCHIESARO P., KRUSE H.


A two-stage CO2 supermarket system with transcritical operation is described. Theoretical studies have been made to determine the most suitable type of cycle configuration. Based on these studies, a prototype supermarket system has been designed and produced, and experimental tests carried out. The choice of suitable components for optimization of the oil system is very important for automatic operation. Early test results of the two-stage system are presented.

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Pages: 2002-3


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  • Original title: Development of a two-stage CO2 supermarket system.
  • Record ID : 2003-2508
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2002/07/22
  • Source: Source: Proc. Urbana-Champaign int. Conf., IIR
    2002-3; 11-21; fig.; tabl.; 12 ref.