Driving forces of energy-related behaviour in residential buildings.

Number: pap. 463

Author(s) : AA A. van der, POLINDER H., OP'T VELD P.


For a realistic prediction of total energy use in buildings it is necesary to acquire a better understanding of how occupant behaviour influences building energy consumption. This requires a better understanding of the relevant driving factors of energy-related occupant behaviour, as well as a quantitative approach to describe energy-related occupant behaviour. The energy use of occupants in residential buildings can be grouped in the following categories: heating, cooling, ventilation and window operation, domestic hot water, electric appliances, lighting, and cooking. For these residential energy use categories the relevant types of occupant behavior have been investigated. The typical categories for driving forces that can be distinguished are physical environment, building/installation characteristics, time, biological context, psychological context, and social context. In addition, methodologies for modelling energy-related occupant behaviour and energy use in residential buildings (psychological models, average value models, deterministic models, probabilistic models and agent-based models) have been investigated as well as the objectives of modelling and preferred models.

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  • Original title: Driving forces of energy-related behaviour in residential buildings.
  • Record ID : 30009185
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Publication date: 2013/06/16


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