Effect of adding xanthan and guar gum on corn starch gels with different levels of amylose.

Efeito da adição de xantana e goma guar isoladamente em géis de amido de milho com diferentes teores de amilose.

Author(s) : WEBER F. H., QUEIROZ F. P. C., CHANG Y. K.

Type of article: Article


In this work, the strength of corn starch gels with different amylose/amylopectin ratios and the interactions caused by the addition of guar (anionic) and xanthan (ionic) gums were quantified. Normal, waxy and high amylose corn starch gels containing the gums (0.15; 0.50; 0.85 and 1%), with total solids contents of 10%, were prepared and submitted to analyses for gel strength (after storage for 7 days at 10°C). The results showed that the addition of xanthan gum to the normal and high amylose corn starch gels, stored refrigerated for 7 days, improved the texture and minimized the effects of retrogradation at the concentrations used. This gum also improved the texture of waxy corn starch gels, but at a lower intensity, due to the lower level of retrogradation of this starch. The normal and waxy starch gels with added guar gum showed variations in the values for gel strength during storage. The minimum concentration necessary for this gum to reduce retrogradation was 0.85%. There were no modifications in the texture of the gels prepared with high amylose starch and guar gum during the storage period. A significant reduction in gel strength was only shown for time 0 with the addition of 1% guar gum.


  • Original title: Efeito da adição de xantana e goma guar isoladamente em géis de amido de milho com diferentes teores de amilose.
  • Record ID : 2009-1702
  • Languages: Portuguese
  • Source: Braz. J. Food Technol. - vol. 11 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2008/07


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