Effects of low temperature on mycelial growth and spore germination of Botrytis cinerea in vitro and on its infectivity to stored chicory.

Author(s) : TIAN S. P.

Type of article: Article


The effects of low temperature ranging from 20 to -4 °C on mycelial growth, the conidial germination of B. cinerea in culture and its infectivity to stored chicory were investigated. Although temperatures below 0 °C could inhibit the mycelial growth and delay the conidial germination, B. cinerea was able to grow and germinate on PDA and to infect chicory even at -4 °C.


  • Original title: Effects of low temperature on mycelial growth and spore germination of Botrytis cinerea in vitro and on its infectivity to stored chicory.
  • Record ID : 2003-0262
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Acta Phytopathol. Sin. - vol. 31 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 2001


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