IIR document
Energy efficient moist free air conditioning system integrated with total heat desiccant solution system.
Author(s) : KABEEL A. E., BASSUONI M. M.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
This paper experimentally investigates the performance of an efficient moist free air conditioning system. This system consists of a vapor compression system uses R-134a-15.5?kW capacity has two evaporators. Evaporator-C is integrated with a desiccant solution of lithium chloride and treats the total heat of supply air. Evaporator-D deals with sensible heat and controls the exit temperature and relative humidity of supply air separately. The supply air is moist free with low exit relative humidity. The effect of both air and desiccant solution mass flow rate is studied. At air mass flow rate of 0.4?kg/s, the total cooling capacity and system coefficient of performance reached to 14.1?kW and 5.1; respectively. The supply air relative humidity and dry air temperature are 39.2% and 15.8°C; respectively. This system is compared to the VCR with reheat and achieves an energy saving of 48.2%.
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Pages: 220-226
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- Original title: Energy efficient moist free air conditioning system integrated with total heat desiccant solution system.
- Record ID : 30025615
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 100
- Publication date: 2019/04
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.02.013
See other articles in this issue (46)
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