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Environmentally Harmful Dumping of Inefficient and Obsolete Air Conditioners in Africa

Author(s) : CLASP

Type of monograph: Report


This  report presents the assessment by CLASP of the split RAC market for four regions and 10 focus countries: North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia), West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria), East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania), and Southern Africa (South Africa). As manufacturing and industrialized economies place increasingly stringent minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and refrigerant global warming potential (GWP) limits on RACs sold domestically, importing African countries risk becoming even greater dumping grounds for inefficient, environmentally harmful products using obsolete refrigerants that no longer have a viable domestic market in their places of origin and soon worldwide.
CLASP analysed available market data collected by Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) for products sold in 2018, conducted desk research into the policy landscape in Africa, and interviewed policymakers in the region.
CLASP modelled the potential impact of four policy alternatives to demonstrate the additional GHG emissions that result from environmental dumping of RACs in Africa.
Finally, the authors suggest tools for policymakers to prevent environmental dumping of RACs.

Available documents

Environmentally Harmful Dumping of Inefficient and Obsolete Air Conditioners in Africa

Pages: 85



Executive summary - Environmentally Harmful Dumping of Inefficient and Obsolete Air Conditioners in Africa

Pages: 9



Annexes: Room AC Market Profiles for Ten African Countries

Pages: 68



Format PDF

Pages: 11




  • Original title: Environmentally Harmful Dumping of Inefficient and Obsolete Air Conditioners in Africa
  • Record ID : 30027548
  • Languages: French, English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation, Developing country
  • Publication: CLASP - - United states
  • Publication date: 2020/06/24
