Evaporation of refrigerants in a horizontal tube: an improved flow pattern dependent on the heat transfer model compared to ammonia data.
Author(s) : ZÜRCHER O., FAVRAT D., THOME J. R.
Type of article: Article
An improved approach to the prediction of flow boiling heat transfer in horizontal tubes has been proposed through the study of each flow pattern separately, incorporating a new criterion defining the onset of nucleate boiling as a function of the critical convective heat transfer coefficient representative of the location where nucleate boiling might occur. A new function, based on a pseudo-Biot number delineates two different mean heat fluxes on the perimeter of the tube in stratified types of flow, one in contact with the liquid and one in contact with the vapour. The new model showed very good agreement with the experimental database of refrigerants HFC-134a and ammonia. This new heat transfer model accurately predicts the heat transfer conditions during evaporation.
- Original title: Evaporation of refrigerants in a horizontal tube: an improved flow pattern dependent on the heat transfer model compared to ammonia data.
- Record ID : 2002-2260
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 45 - n. 2
- Publication date: 2002/01
See other articles in this issue (1)
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Mass transfer;
Ammonia - Keywords: Horizontal tube; Enhancement; Comparison; Mass transfer; Heat transfer; Ammonia; Modelling; Evaporation; Flow; Refrigerant
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- Formats : PDF
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