Exergetic Effects of Cooled Cooling Air Technology on the Turbofan Engine during a Typical Mission.

Author(s) : ZHUANG L., XU G., DONG B., LIU Q., LI M., WEN J.

Type of article: Periodical article


The cooled cooling air technology (CCA technology) shows expected performance in solving the growing thermal challenge for advanced aero engines by reducing the temperature of cooling air. The effect of CCA technology on the overall propelling performance with or without adjusting cycle parameters is controversial. Based on this, both the energy and exergy methods have been adopted to elaborate the specific mechanisms of the above energy utilization discrepancy. As a result, the scheme of CCA technology without optimizing cycle parameters has lower propelling work and efficiency with the total exergy destruction increasing 0.5~2%. Oppositely, as for the scheme of CCA with meliorated cycle parameters, the propelling efficiency improved by around 2~4% with total exergy destruction reduced by 1~3.5%. By analyzing the distribution of exergy destruction, the avoidable and unavoidable exergy destruction caused by the combustion chamber, compressors, and turbines accounts for the largest proportion, which indicates that more attention needs to be paid in the future. During the whole flight mission, the percentage of exergy destruction is much higher in supersonic, subsonic cruise, combat, and escape conditions. In conclusion, the improvement of cycle parameters to reduce the exergy destruction should be considered when introducing CCA technology.

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Pages: 25 p.




  • Original title: Exergetic Effects of Cooled Cooling Air Technology on the Turbofan Engine during a Typical Mission.
  • Record ID : 30030192
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: Energies - 15 - 14
  • Publishers: MDPI
  • Publication date: 2022/07
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/en15144946


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