IIR document
Exergy analysis of gas turbine trigeneration system for combined production of power heat and refrigeration.
Author(s) : KHALIQ A.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
A conceptual trigeneration system is proposed based on the conventional gas turbine cycle for the high temperature heat addition while adopting the heat recovery steam generator for process heat and vapour absorption refrigeration for the cold production. Combined first and second law approach is applied and computational analysis is performed to investigate the effects of overall pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, pressure drop in combustor and heat recovery steam generator, and evaporator temperature on the exergy destruction in each component, first law efficiency, electrical to thermal energy ratio, and second law efficiency of the system. Thermodynamic analysis indicates that exergy destruction in combustion chamber and HRSG is significantly affected by the pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature, and not at all affected by pressure drop and evaporator temperature. The process heat pressure and evaporator temperature causes significant exergy destruction in various components of vapour absorption refrigeration cycle and HRSG. It also indicates that maximum exergy is destroyed during the combustion and steam generation process; which represents over 80% of the total exergy destruction in the overall system. The first law efficiency, electrical to thermal energy ratio and second law efficiency of the trigeneration, cogeneration, and gas turbine cycle significantly varies with the change in overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature, but the change in pressure drop, process heat pressure, and evaporator temperature shows small variations in these parameters. Decision makers should find the methodology contained in this paper useful in the comparison and selection of advanced heat recovery systems.
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Pages: 534-545
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- Original title: Exergy analysis of gas turbine trigeneration system for combined production of power heat and refrigeration.
- Record ID : 2009-0907
- Languages: English
- Subject: General information
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 32 - n. 3
- Publication date: 2009/05
See other articles in this issue (18)
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- Formats : PDF
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