Experiences with modelling supermarket energy use and performance.


Supermarkets are a unique class of commercial buildings that have a large number of refrigerated and frozen food display cases and require controlled space conditions around the display cases for their proper functioning and shoppers' comfort. In particular, humidity control is important. The refrigerated system is continuously interacting with the surrounding environment which is controlled by the HVAC system. Traditional building system simulation tools do not include the detailed models necessary to properly consider the performance of and interactions between all these systems. Integrated software tools are necessary to properly simulate the supermarket as a system so that the tradeoffs between these competing subsystems can be understood. Only an integrated analysis will allow the supermarket system be "optimized" to provide the lowest energy use and environmental impact with the lowest capital expenditure.


  • Original title: Experiences with modelling supermarket energy use and performance.
  • Record ID : 2005-0880
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Advanced supermarket refrigeration/heat recovery systems. Workshop proceedings [CD-ROM].
  • Publication date: 2000/10/02


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