Experimental and numerical investigation of temperature and air velocity distribution in a room equipped with a split system air conditioner.


This work reports and discusses some experimental data collected in a test room with wall-mounted indoor unit, under different operating conditions. A CFD numerical model has been developed and assessed on the basis of the experimental data: the model can be applied to investigate the influence of different parameters such as air flow rate and velocity, inlet air temperature, position of the unit, direction of air flow etc.


  • Original title: Experimental and numerical investigation of temperature and air velocity distribution in a room equipped with a split system air conditioner.
  • Record ID : 2006-2002
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1999/08/09
  • Source: Source: Proc. AIVC Conf., Edinburgh
    CP 20; n. 50; 6 p.; fig.; 14 ref./AIVC CD n. 6.