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Experimental development and investigation of a CO2-based air-to-air heat pump for food drying.


The objective of the paper is to present an experimental development project of a CO2-based air-to-air heat pump for food drying and some preliminary results. The CO2 heat pump is a transcritical cycle with only two pressure levels. It includes a suction accumulator and a suction line heat exchanger to evaporate a small amount of liquid for safe oil return to the compressor. The airflow system includes a heat recovery heat exchanger to reuse heat and avoid contamination of the hot supply air. The supply air is further heated by the gas cooler and the return air is further cooled by the evaporator. The evaporator and gas cooler are customized and compact designs for creating large temperature lifts. Furthermore, a customized controller is used to control the gas cooler pressure and the supply temperature while logging the temperatures and pressures in the system. A Raspberry Pi is used to interface both the controller and a power meter and to transfer the data to a cloud-based system (IoT). A customized user interface was developed in Python providing full control and monitoring of the system. Preliminary experimental results show the effects of the gas cooler pressure and compressor speed on the coefficient of performance and supply air temperature.

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Pages: 7 p.


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  • Original title: Experimental development and investigation of a CO2-based air-to-air heat pump for food drying.
  • Record ID : 30029737
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2022). Proceedings. Trondheim, Norway, June 13-15th 2022.
  • Publication date: 2022/06/13
  • DOI:
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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