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Experimental investigation of silica gel-water adsorption chillers with and without a passive heat recovery scheme.
Author(s) : WANG X., CHUA H. T., NG K. C.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
The authors experimentally show that for the same heat exchanger inventory allocation, a four-bed adsorption chiller delivers a 12% higher ultimate cooling capacity than its two-bed counterpart. In addition it delivers a significantly improved quality of instantaneous cooling than a two-bed chiller at the same cooling capacity. The COP-enhancing feature of a passive heat recovery scheme that does not involve additional pumping action or valves is experimentally proven. It improves the COPs of a two-bed chiller and a four-bed chiller by as much as 38 and 25%, respectively, without any effect on their cooling capacities. The highest COPs achieved with a two-bed and four-bed chillers are 0.46 plus or minus 0.02 and 0.45 plus or minus 0.02, respectively. These are measured at a hot-water inlet temperature of 85 °C, cooling-water inlet temperature of 29.4 °C and chilled-water inlet temperature of 12.2 °C.
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Pages: 756-765
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- Original title: Experimental investigation of silica gel-water adsorption chillers with and without a passive heat recovery scheme.
- Record ID : 2005-1830
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 28 - n. 5
- Publication date: 2005/08
See other articles in this issue (15)
See the source
- Themes: Absorption and adsorption systems
- Keywords: Silica gel; Heat recovery; Adsorption system; Expérimentation; COP; Water
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- Formats : PDF
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- Source: Green breeze from Asia: frontiers of refrigerants, heat transfer and system.. ACRA-2002. Proceedings of the Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning.
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- Languages : Polish
- Source: Chlodnictwo - vol. 39 - n. 1-2
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Experimental study on a continuous adsorption w...
- Author(s) : LIU Y. L., WANG R. Z., XIA Z. Z.
- Date : 2005/03
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 28 - n. 2
- Formats : PDF
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