IIR document
Experimental investigation on the supercooling effect of fluids confined in non-metallic vessels using pure water and silicon carbide.
Number: pap. n. 954
Author(s) : GUND S., KAUFFELD M.
One of the main challenges of ice slurry application is its production. Research with special focus on energy efficient production of ice slurries leads to the application of the supercooling phenomenon where a liquid is cooled below its freezing point without crystallization in the heat exchanger. The key parameter, that needs to be improved for a high applicability of this technology, is the degree of supercooling. Crystallization theory states, that the interface between a crystallizing fluid and a substrate has great impact on the achievable amount of supercooling. Silicon carbide seems to offer ideal properties as wall material. Pure water is confined in a vessel made of silicon carbide and cooled until crystallization occurs. As reference, the same experiment is done simultaneously with pure water confined in a glass and a copper vessel. The results of this study show the influence of the surface material on the degree of supercooling.
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- Original title: Experimental investigation on the supercooling effect of fluids confined in non-metallic vessels using pure water and silicon carbide.
- Record ID : 30026055
- Languages: English
- Source: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Montréal , Canada, August 24-30, 2019.
- Publication date: 2019/08/24
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.icr.2019.0954
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- Formats : PDF
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