Experimental study of nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of water on silicon oxide nanoparticle coated copper heating surface.
Author(s) : DAS S., KUMAR D. S., BHAUMIK S.
Type of article: Article
Electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) coating approach was employed for fabrication of well-ordered of nanoparticle coated micronanostructures on metal surfaces. This paper reports the experimental study of augmentation of pool boiling heat transfer performance and stabilities of silicon oxide nanoparticle coated surfaces with water at atmospheric pressure. The surfaces were characterized with respect to dynamic contact angle, surface roughness, topography, and morphology. The results were found that there is a reduction of about 36% in the incipience superheat and 58% enhancement in heat transfer coefficient for silicon oxide coated surface over the untreated surface. This enhancement might be the reason of enhanced wettability, enhanced surface roughness and increased number of a small artificial cavity on a heating surface. The performance and stability of nanoparticle coated micro/nanostructure surfaces were examined and found that after three runs of experiment the heat transfer coefficient with heat flux almost remain constant.
- Original title: Experimental study of nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of water on silicon oxide nanoparticle coated copper heating surface.
- Record ID : 30016754
- Languages: English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 96
- Publication date: 2016/03/05
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.11.117
See other articles in this issue (32)
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- Themes: Heat transfer
- Keywords: Pool boiling; Oxide; Heat transfer; Coating (materials); Silicon; Particle; Optimization; Nucleate boiling; Water
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