Food quality and energy use: predictive regulation.
Qualité alimentaire et consommation d'énergie : contrôle-commande prédictif.
Author(s) : GUILPART J., LEDUCQ D.
Type of article: Article, Review, Case study
This article presents the principle of predictive regulation, the models that may be used, and three examples of applications realized at the Cemagref refrigeration process engineering research unit at Cemagref. The first of these examples deals with an application developed on the refrigeration system of a high-capacity (1.8 MW) industrial site including three machine rooms. It shows that the implementation of this management principle for systems could lead to substantial energy savings (8.5% in the case studied). The other two examples deal with the management of a refrigeration process (ice-cream production) and the management of a storage system (cold store). They answer the following question: is it appropriate to relate quality and/or food safety to energy use? If the answer is yes, this will enable us to envisage energy consumption in compliance with major constraints: that of the compliance with safety and the quality of our food.
- Original title: Qualité alimentaire et consommation d'énergie : contrôle-commande prédictif.
- Record ID : 2010-0771
- Languages: French
- Source: Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - vol. 99 - n. 1099
- Publication date: 2009/12
See other articles in this issue (1)
See the source
Food quality and energy management: the contrib...
- Author(s) : GUILPART J., LEDUCQ D.
- Date : 2009/06/12
- Languages : English
- Source: Latest technologies in refrigeration and air conditioning: energy issues and climate change, new refrigerants, new European regulations, new plants, the cold chain. XIII European Conference: June 12-13, 2009, Milan.
- Formats : PDF
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Optimierte Arbeitstemperaturregelung.
- Author(s) : WENDELBORN H.
- Date : 2007/08
- Languages : German
- Source: Kälte + Klimatechnik (Die) - vol. 60 - n. 8
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How to optimize the floating high pressure
- Date : 2023/08/21
- Languages : English
- Source: Proceedings of the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Paris , France, August 21-25, 2023.
- Formats : PDF
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L'impact d'une HP flottante bien maîtrisée.
- Author(s) : BORLEIN C., LE DUC V.
- Date : 2011/03
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 993
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Mejora de la eficiencia energética de instalcio...
- Author(s) : ANDUEZA D. J., GARRIDO D. M.
- Date : 2011/02
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: Frío Calor Aire acondicionado - vol. 39
- Formats : PDF
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