Green Way: new trends of heating and air-conditioning equipment design. 1.

Green Way: nové trendy navrhování vytápìcích a klimatizacních zarízení. 1.

Author(s) : PETLACH J.

Type of article: Article


In this article, the author deals with new trends at air-conditioning and heating systems designing leading necessarily to non-traditional solutions. The main aim of the Green Way programme is the economic and ecological operating of buildings at minimum energy consumption, on the condition that the optimum microclimate conditions were attained. The author further indicates the main items of the Green Way programme and explains in detail the programme utilization for the concrete administrative building.


  • Original title: Green Way: nové trendy navrhování vytápìcích a klimatizacních zarízení. 1.
  • Record ID : 2008-1753
  • Languages: Czech
  • Subject: Technology, Environment, General information
  • Source: Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 17 - n. 2
  • Publication date: 2008


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