Heat conduction in vanadium substituted (bismuth-lead-vanadium)-SCCO sintered pellets between 10 and 150 K.

Author(s) : CHANDA B., DEY T. K.

Type of article: Article


Vanadium substitution in (bismuth-lead) cuprates decreases transition temperature slightly, but enhances the volume of the superconducting phase by about 10%. The magnitude of the thermal conductivity was found to be influenced significantly by this substitution over the entire temperature range investigated. The authors' analysis also confirmed the dominant role of phonon-defect scattering near maximum thermal conductivity, while phonon-electron interaction becomes more important near transition temperature and above.


  • Original title: Heat conduction in vanadium substituted (bismuth-lead-vanadium)-SCCO sintered pellets between 10 and 150 K.
  • Record ID : 1994-2095
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Cryogenics - vol. 33 - n. 10
  • Publication date: 1993/10


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