IIR document

Heat pump drying: potentials for energy saving with heat pumps in high-temperature applications.

Author(s) : JONASSEN O.


There is an interest among dryer manufacturers in gaining more knowledge on possibilities and limitations for the integration of heat pumps into drier installations. The aim is to reduce energy costs. For this purpose an introductory survey of this matter was done at SINTEF Energy Research/The Center for Dewatering R&D. The paper describes possible heat pump designs for typical drier installations with low side temperatures in the 50-100 °C range and high side temperatures in the 150-300 °C range. One high temperature heat pump design is presented. The heat pump was designed to operate at 75 °C evaporating temperature and 25 °C condensing temperature. For this specific design point 2 refrigerants were found to be suitable; R123 from 75 to 140 °C and R718 (water) from 140 to 250 °C. This design resulted in a calculated COP of 1.89. A brief discussion is included on possible candidates for refrigerants for high temperature applications and also compressor availability, especially for water vapour compression and smaller capacities.

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  • Original title: Heat pump drying: potentials for energy saving with heat pumps in high-temperature applications.
  • Record ID : 2004-2483
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
  • Publication date: 2003/08/17


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